personal | then we went camping
A weekend ago I went camping with a good friend of mine and a bunch of her friends, who quickly became new friends for me (they were cool people!). It was kinda cold and very windy. There were two other girls squeezed into one tent; a tent that I'm certain was meant for one person, not three. We were the only people in primitive camping. That probably should've been a warning sign for us, but hey, we're college students who can handle some more "advanced" camping. Or so we thought.
We are also college students who forget to bring things like pots to boil water in and oil to make pancakes with. Who accidentally send all the food in the cooler home with two guys who had to leave early. Who then send two people to McDonalds for an "emergency" breakfast and who, thirty minutes into the drive, realize that no one brought their wallet. After that, we decided to go to someone's parents house and eat real food. Then we shot guns all afternoon, so I'd say we made up for it all.
I learned two new things on the trip. One: don't try to boil water in a frying pan over an open fire. Two: Boyce worship majors are cool. We listened to John Mayer, the Bee Gees, and Led Zeppelin the whole way there. (Nothing against worship music at all.)
Actually, the biggest thing I learned is that a camping trip that seemed to go all wrong can really go wonderful with the right people. We stayed up late talking about life around the campfire. We laughed at all our camping mistakes. We shared blankets, well . . . for the most part I believe we girls stole them all. We talked about the Lord and about relationships. We ate a lot of graham crackers (that was all that we had for awhile there). We barely got everything packed into one car; I got crammed in the backseat with every bag and blanket imaginable stuffed on top of me. But somehow, it was really good and a lot of fun. It's all about the people, how you treat them and who you're with. I will say this: I had a whole lotta fun. ;)
Thanks Ellen, for inviting me along! And thanks to the rest of you for treating me like a friend. Here's those pictures you've been asking about.