For wedding vendors and anyone planning a wedding: 5 tips to for your mental health during Covid-19

We are living in some crazy times. I do think these tips could apply for anytime though and not only for people who are working in the wedding industry, but for couples planning a wedding as well.

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  1. Let yourself grieve.

I say grieve which might feel dramatic, but we are all losing something. Most if not all of us are losing money, which can feel really scary. For couples, they’ve spent so much time and money planning a celebration and all of that has to come to a halt or be postponed. It’s ok to grieve the loss of that. For wedding vendors, weddings are our livelihood . . . sometimes it’s hard to find the compassion for people having to reschedule a wedding when you’re worried how you’re going to put food on the table or pay your bills. It’s ok to grieve the loss. And when you take some time to do so, I guarantee you’ll feel more prepared to handle client interactions with kindness.

2. Don’t wallow too long

There is such a balance for tips 1 & 2 and part of the human experience is trying to find that balance. It’s ok to be sad, but for me personally, if I lay in bed and don’t respond to clients in a timely manner, then I feel more stressed. Sometimes just working for an hour or two, whether that’s on wedding planning or answering clients, helps and you can get a lot more done than you think.

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3. You don’t have to be “super productive” during this time

You know what helps me be productive? If I’m resting enough, sleeping enough and playing enough. And we are going to need more time to do rest due to everything going on.

4. Limit social media

Sometimes I scroll on social media, when I actually need rest. Rest for me is a nap, a bath, reading a book . . . staring at the sky haha. It’s amazing how much rest I can accomplish when I’m NOT on my phone.

5. Move your body

I know I said before that you don’t have to be super productive, so I’m not saying you have to get into the best shape of your life (unless you want to, go you!). But doing a home workout, a pushup challenge, yoga or going for a walk (if that is a viable option in your area) can really help brighten your mindset . . . even if you don’t feel like doing it at first.

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This tips are for me as much as they are for anyone, I need to be reminded of things things every. single. day. These times are hard but we will make it through, I believe we’re stronger than we think.

Take these tips with a grain (or two) of salt, like I said they’re more for me than anyone else. You do whatever you need to do to help yourself get through this time.



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