Petra, Jordan & travel thoughts

this year has felt like a whirlwind, but at the same time, I've never felt more steady as a person. never have I felt more confident, never have I felt more myself, never have I felt more free. and I'm also learning that it's not always about me or what I want or how I feel. honestly, I don't really want it to be all about me. I want to live this one life to the fullest . . . serving, laughing, adventuring, crying and loving recklessly. life has been awful sometimes but it's also awfully wonderful if you choose to look at it that way. 

I'm enjoying time with my family  after over a year of not seeing them and eating a lot of hummus. They live in Jordan and I'm glad I could scrounge up enough for a ticket so I could hug their necks. 

here's a list of things I'm thankful for this year and some photos from our mini family vacation out to Wadi Rum & Petra. 

  • rain, cold yet still comforting on my skin

  • music (hi my name is kendra and i live for music)

  • being able to go new places

  • friends (i've listened to "where the hell are my friends" too many times. guys. i miss you)

  • but really, my friends. i've moved too many times to count and i'm so grateful for relationships throughout it all.

  • photography, this gift God gave me that fills me with joy and gives me a chance to give back

  • being young and single and free and reckless and, as a result, having good stories to tell (that i probably won't tell my kids one day, unless they really beg)

  • books. because i'm not v smart and books hold lotsa wisdom.

  • the chance to be with my family and hug them lots. (except Anna and Samuel, who are still studying in the states for the holidays. y'all are dearly missed!)

I do realize that I'm grateful for very cliche, simple things but I really do find the most joy in those things. okay? okay fine. 2016, you were horrible and wonderful all at once. and the horrible things ended up being wonderful things, so I guess it's fine. 

cheers, y'all!